

水保做好沒煩惱 農村幸福樣樣好


中文 (Chinese) 英文 (English)
入滲容量曲線 infiltration capacity curve
入滲率 infiltration rate
三明治式擋土牆 sandwich type retaining wall
三軸透水試驗 triaxial permeability test
土石流災害防救業務計畫 debris flow disaster prevention and response operation plan
土石流災害預報與警報 forecasting and warning of debris flow disasters
土石流防災教育訓練 debris flow disaster prevention education and training
土石流防災疏散避難規劃 debris flow disaster prevention and evacuation program
土石流防災疏散避難演練 debris flow evacuation drills
土石流警戒區發布機制 releasing debris flow disaster alert information
第 81 / 156 頁,共 1553 筆