National Freeway:
- 1. National Freeway No.3 (Nanchou IC.- 424.4k)
- 2. Left Turn to Province Road. No.1 to FongGuang
- 3. Trans to Province Road. No.26 to Chihpen
- 4. Trans to Province Road. No.11
- 5. Cross the Bridge Fongyuan, Then Turn to Zhonghua Rd.
Public Transportation System:
- 1. Rail:Taitung Station. Take the Dingdong Bus to the Tourist Center(the intersection of the TiehuaRd. and Zhongshan Rd.) ,than take a walk(about 5min) to the office.
- 2. Bus:Take KingBus( to Taitung, the terminal station is on Tiehua rd.), and than take a walk(about 3min) to the office.